Strong Roots Farm

Strong Roots Farm

Ethan and Siobhan Davis started their farming life in Philipsburg, where they ran a successful CSA. After moving to Woodward in 2019 and starting Strong Roots Organic Farm, they also expanded their relationships with local restaurants and began custom growing specific crops that Chefs were looking for. Ethan is a scientist by training (Talk to him about climate change, carbon credits and you'll learn a thing or two), and carries his analytical approach to farming as well. Their growing family - three energetic young boys - clearly motivate Ethan and Siobhan to not only grow nutrient dense and chemical-free food for their own family, but for our entire community as well.

At a recent farm visit I arrived ahead of everyone else, so I ventured through the greenhouses filled with tomatoes, figs and giant rosemary bushes, and took in the views of the straight field rows of lush basil and vibrant fall spinach. I even had time for a quick walk down to Pine Creek which gently flows along the edge of the farm. I surprised a Green heron in his hiding spot and savored the calm beauty of the flowing water. It is no wonder that both Ethan and Siobhan refer to their farm as a slice of heaven, and that it continually inspires them to protect all the creatures they share it with.

For an opportunity to chat with Ethan and Siobhan over a family style dinner, join us Wednesday October 18th for the Supper Series at Pine Grove Hall. The basil and tomato bounty - as well as some freshly picked ripe figs - will be featured in the Pine Grove Hall supper. The menu looks amazing, and you're guaranteed to make some new local foodie friends.